Libraries in World Childless Week

World Childless Week will be celebrated this year from 11th to the 17th of September.

For readers

If your library has displays for other events or issues, why not ask them if they'd support the childless not by choice community by having a display for World Childless Week?

You won't be alone - I wrote a blog post for World Childless Week, detailing why I asked my library to have a display, and how it went (Spoiler: they said yes!). I'd love to see this happen in more libraries.

If you'd like to try but you're not sure how, you can use one of the templates we've made.

For Libraries

You can read more information about why we'd love libraries to celebrate World Childless Week here.

If you are having a display, I'd love to hear from you!

Please send me an email, and I'll make a place on this site to celebrate all the inclusive, supportive libraries I hear from. I'd love photos too!